So, in case you missed the job change, I went from working with adults with developmental disabilities to my chosen field of Educational Assistant. I am currently working in the local Jr High. And note to self, teenagers are hilarious!!
First, they are in a hormone fog that makes them slightly delirious! A whiff of Axe or DKNY and they are right off the rails! They make me laugh, walking down our grade 9 hall is like walking into Macy's at Christmas.... at any one moment you can smell no less that 100 different kinds if cologne and perfume. Its not for the faint of heart or those with allergies. You'll be in anaphylactic shock before you take 10 steps!
Secondly, they are always sneaking something.... they remind me of puppies. Sneaking their ipods or their cells, passing notes or sneaking off to snog around the corner of the lockers! or my favorite is when the girls sneak their locker mirrors to monitor the hair and makeup during reading period. Truly a must have skill ;) We have a rule of no beverages but water in the class, so every now and then you hear the tell tale sound of a pop can opening. OY! what are they thinking, you ask? Refer to the first point, its hormones! they can barely breath at this stage of their lives... honestly, I feel sorry for them.... its hard to be a teenager.
But what truly makes them hilarious is their view on things.... I, apparently, am cool because I know things like how to spell Albert Einstein or Obama, honestly 0_o ... and I can name the trailer park boys, and get the BAM! Peanut and Jam joke (thanks to my lovely friend Twink), I've seen Jackass and I know who 50 Cent, Drake and Nicki Minaj are! I have facebook, twitter and a blog. HA! If that's all it takes to make me cool, I'm in! The best thing is that they are amazed I have a life, and house, a husband and kids :) Its like they never knew those things existed for educators. LOL. The kids always seem to be interested in what I did over the weekend and how my kids are. One student asked me how old my son was and when I said 8, she started to giggle and asked me if I was a teen mom like on tv! BAHAHAHA! Oh bless her little heart, she seemed quite surprised to find out I was 23 when Josh was born. I'm also cool because I love Star Trek and Star Wars, and because I know the actors' real names :) It obviously doesn't take much to be cool in teenagers eyes!
I enjoy their company and take a genuine interest in their lives, I have some I worry about like my own kids and have spent sleepless nights pondering what they are doing.... I love that they find me during the day to ask me questions or seek me out for advice on mascara or hairdo's. For some reason they are under the impression that I have great hair, when in reality, those girls have better hair then I could possibly ever dream of having. Wash and wear is just not a hair style.
I am truly thankful that I love my job. It is rewarding and challenging, hard work and super fun and exhausting! Now that I have almost mastered juggling both jobs, my kids and my Asian, I will have more time to blog! YAY
Happy Sunday my friends! Enjoy your week!
Angie the Great xox